
Is Moldova Another Ukraine?

Is Moldova Another Ukraine?

A corrupt government, a struggling economy and Russian meddling, especially in an eastern region. The description fits Ukraine, but it…
Anarchy in the Donbas: Russian proxies turn on each other

Anarchy in the Donbas: Russian proxies turn on each other

The Russia-backed militants are unable to create a single center of command in the occupied territories, which is why anarchy…
Ukraine Could Explode in the Next 48 Hours

Ukraine Could Explode in the Next 48 Hours

The arrival of relentless freezing weather, and the appearance of more Russian tanks and missiles, has raised tensions to new…
How Moscow hijacked the history of Kyivan Rus’

How Moscow hijacked the history of Kyivan Rus’

(This essay was first published in a collection by Yaroslav Dashkevych, PhD. in “Learn to Speak the Truth with Non-Lying…
Transnistria – Type Scenario Looming in Ukraine’s Donbas

Transnistria – Type Scenario Looming in Ukraine’s Donbas

Western diplomacy seems about to revert to pressuring Ukraine into a disadvantageous armistice and negotiations with Russia’s protégés in the…
Merkel Meets PMs of Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine

Merkel Meets PMs of Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine

German Chancellor Angela Merkel met Prime Ministers of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine in Berlin on Wednesday evening.
(OPINION) Ukraine needs federalism and power-sharing
Opinion / Editorial

(OPINION) Ukraine needs federalism and power-sharing

Federalism need not be a dirty word in Ukraine. There are many power-sharing examples available to follow, that would keep…
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